arty face grace
Consider the ravens, 2021
Moving Image
Based on Luke 12 v 22 - 35 These verses from the Bible instructs you to 'consider the ravens' and how God looks after them, despite them not yearning after material things, stating that we also should rely on God for sustaining us, and not on the things we make! I thought it would be fun to comment on my own obsession with materials by making a costume of a raven. This discusses how I am using my time to create this 'clothing', while also bringing in some performance aspects, to look at the state of the world too. The raven busking/singing looks at how obsessed our world is with these things of our own creation, that even the ravens have resorted to trying to earn money with its song. In the end the main idea is that we shouldn't be relying on these things we make, but on God - ironically done through something I've made.
Both sides of a mono-print from when I came up with the Consider the ravens project idea.